Thursday Open Printmaking Untutored – Term 1

Term: 13 Feb –
03 Apr
When: 9:30am –
Where: Print Room
Price: $160.00
There are 1 seats left for this class!

N.B: Entry level experience in the etching process is required to work alongside this group of enthusiastic printmakers. All classes for 18+ unless arranged through the office  and the tutor first.

Relief printing – experience and previous tutoring in at least one process.  Be confident and safety aware when working with sharp tools – demonstrate good working practice.  Have experience printing using a press rather than only hand burnishing.

Intaglio printing –  experience and previous tutoring with drypoint and etching.  Participants must be familiar with protocols surrounding use of acid for etching and aquatint.  They would need to have had experience preparing a metal plate.  Understand how to use hard and soft ground. Understand the different solutions used for cleaning plates.

Mono printing – to have had tutoring in at least one other print process and have experience using a printing press rather than only hand burnishing.

8 weeks.

1 in stock

Does the student have a medical condition that the tutor should be made aware of?

Can the student be photographed for use in our advertising and social media promotion?

I confirm that I have read the Waikato Society of Arts Terms and Conditions.

The student information entered is used for enrolment, safety and privacy purposes. For this reason, please make sure that the information for each individual student  is accurate on the enrolment.